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Editorial Integrity, Paid Reviews, and Sponsorships

This site is representative of my personal brand and values, and I take pride in maintaining the trust and respect of my audience. As such, I am committed to maintaining trust and transparency in all my interactions with my audience - especially when reviewing products or services.

To ensure that my reviews & sponsorships are fair, unbiased, and trustworthy, I have established the following guidelines and principles that I adhere to when reviewing products or services:

Honesty First

I will always provide an honest and unbiased opinion of the product, regardless of any compensation or incentives offered.


I will clearly disclose any relationships, sponsorships, or compensation received for content shared on any of my accounts.


I will only review products that are relevant to my audience and align with the themes and topics I regularly cover.

Full Usage

I will thoroughly test and use the product before writing a review to ensure my opinions are well-informed and based on actual experience.

No Pre-Written Reviews

I will not accept or publish pre-written reviews or content provided by the product company.

Editorial Independence

I retain full control over the content and timing of my reviews, and I will not be influenced by external pressures or requests. Reviews will not be shared with the sponsors for approval before publication.

Constructive Feedback

I will aim to provide constructive feedback that can help both my audience and the product company improve their offerings.

Audience Trust

My primary commitment is to my audience, and I will prioritize their trust and best interests in all my reviews.